We love summer – even when it’s extremely hot! And in such heat, a nice cold fruit smoothie tastes especially wonderful. For example, this delicious Mixed Berry Smoothie. A great advantage with berries such as raspberries, blueberries and blackberries: they don’t contain much sugar and are therefore ideal for anyone who is still working on their beach figure ;-)
Shopping List for approx. 1 Liter of Mixed Berry Smoothie
500 g raspberries
125 g blueberries
125 g blackberries
250 ml yogurt
Preparation Time: approx. 10 minutes
Directions for the Mixed Berry Smoothie:
Wash the raspberries, blueberries and blackberries and let them dry for a moment. Then, puree all the berries in a blender and mix the berrypuree with the yogurt. If you don’t have a blender you can use a hand blender. Your summer smoothie is ready that quickly.
Of course you can also put together your own mix. Just puree each kind of berry separately and mix them together, adding a bit of each at a time, until you have your desired taste. If you love sweeter drinks, you can also add some sugar.